Lawn and Horticulture Maintenance - R&L Landscaping
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Lawn and Horticulture Maintenance

Our landscape maintenance division offers a complete range of services designed to keep your commercial and multi-unit residential properties looking their best year round.

To ensure your satisfaction, we will work with you prior to each season to ensure that your goals are aligned with the maintenance program and will be tailored to your properties’ individual needs. An area manager will be assigned to each property whom will evaluates conditions and make recommendations based on current site-specific needs. In addition, he or she works with you to plan and prepare for the improvements to your property which can be implemented throughout the season.

Our programs include mowing, aerating, fertilization and pest controls to keep your lawn strong and healthy. Additionally, a full range of horticultural services including pruning, plant material replacement and seasonal flower displays are offered. R&L Landscaping’s programs are tailored to our client’s specific needs and budget. These programs provide any level of service you require from basic maintenance to Integrated Pest Management. All of our ground maintenance applications are administered by state certified applicators. All of our employees are involved in on-going training programs to enable us to provide the highest level of service available.